This weekend we went down to Flagstaff, Arizona. Partly to go on vacation, and partly to put Ranger McGrowley, Kiira's river cat, on a plane to Minnesota. We all realized how long we have been in St. George, Utah, as we started getting wildly excited about things in little downtown Flagstaff, such as a bulk tea store, wierd food (I got pizza with goat cheese and spinach), pine trees, and a bar with a four page long whisky menu.
We went climbing at a limestone crag called the pit. Limestone is nice because it has lovely pockets like sandstone without sandstone's tendancy to crumble under your hands and feet. I experienced my first whipper falls while leading this route, but eventually made it up. (in the picture I'm belaying and Eric is at the top cleaning the anchors).
We also set up some topropes and had fun rappelling of cliffs. Parents, please note that now I am safe and have a helmet. Biology dork friends, note that I have covered said helmet with Virgin River native fish stickers.