Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Fires ripped across the east shore of the lake, keeping us out of a few otter sites. We could see the smoke plumes rising the first few days, and then is was so smoky you couldn't see the lake.

When we finally did get to the Promontory, formerly a lovely site with shady sruce trees and boulders, it looked like this.

Our snares were easy to undo, as the trees they had been attached too were gone

At the promontory fire site, the trees were charred and the ground was still smoking. From time to time a lone, unburnt tree burst into flames. For all that it was charred and lifeless, it was really beautiful in a different sort of way. It's neat that there are some places where they let even things that scare us, like forest fires, exist.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Yay fires... wait... yes, YAY fires!