Saturday, May 3, 2008

Onward to Nevada

So now I am done saving Virgin River Native fish, and will be moving on to a bird job at Sheldon NWR in Nevada. My last few days in Utah were spent doing a mix of fun things (climbing, pizza party, running a half marathon) and not fun things (trapping agricultural drains, taking the GREs).

My training program for the half marathon consisted largely of "I'd rather go climbing than run," and "seining the river all day at work counts as training, right?" So after this, I found myself at the start line, with roadside campfires (6am start, it was cold!) behind, and 13.1 miles ahead. I finished under two hours, so clearly blowing off hill runs to rock climb is an effective way to train for distance running...

The next few days I will be in Moab/other Utah locations, living in my car/tent, and then on to Sheldon on the 8th or so. Still no pictures, have not replaced camera.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about these. Well someday Ill create a blog to compete you! lolz.