Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Another Snowstorm

This morning, I thought I heard rain at 3am. When I opened my tent flap, it turned out that it was actually snow. The sagebrush was snowcapped, the sparrow nests have surely failed, someone made a snowman and dressed him up like a field biologist, and we took a town day. But, here are some pictures of my nest searching plots from before the entire refuge turned white.

I have two plots on Badger Mountain where I search for nests. This plot has a lovely hike in, through basalt canyons, burned mahogany stands, and a cliff with a resident prairie falcon. But – the area is also patrolled by a herd of feral (wild) horses. Many days I cautiously skirt the herd while the stallion stares me down in order to get to my plot.

This plot sits on a north facing slope that holds plenty of water, and has lovely meadows and wildflowers. Below: Lupine leaves, Bluebells, two pictures above: field of arrowleaf balsamroot.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice close-ups

Must be the new camera.