Saturday, June 23, 2007

Fishing in the Snow

So, I have not fished (except for catching sunnies of my grandparents dock) for years, but living with a number of fishermen in what is apparently a major fishing destination, I figured this was a good opportunity to pick it back up. So the amphibian crew and I got park fishing licensces today and headed over to the Gibbon River to fish (with such a name, we joked that we would be catching monkeys instead of trout). It took me a while to even remember how to cast…for a while I was swinging my fishing pole all around and the hook was staying right where it was. Eventually I got the hang of it, I think, though I didn’t catch any fish.

Then, it started to snow. But not normal snow. It snowed little fingernail sized snowballs! It was as if the cloud was having a snowball fight with us, and winning. Eventually it stopped snowing, and we headed home, stopping to see coyote pups playing around their den. Little fuzzballs running around in the rocks! Everyone else was much more skilled at fishing than I, so we did end up with an excellent dinner of brown trout.

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