Monday, March 30, 2009

Sagebrush Skiing, part two

Or, how we ski in CENTRAL Wyoming

The past week we've been getting quite a bit of snow (now that it is spring and all) so one day we decided to go sledding. The only problem - there are no big hills near our trailers, and the snow was too deep to get the ATVs to the sledding hill we had in mind. Not intending to be thwarted by such a problem as the lack of an incline, we hooked the sled onto an ATV with a tow rope and pulled sleds around an open area by the water tanks.

This ended up being much more fun than normal sledding, as walking back up the hill was never necessary. And pretty soon, I thought "what would be even more fun than sleds? Skis!"

So I got my ski gear out, and soon was making slalom turns around the field. It was an odd mix of waterskiing and snow skiing, but it is good to know skiing in Wyoming is possible even if you aren't anywhere near Jackson or Colorado.

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